Thursday, September 24, 2009

peace tip #10

Share stories.

This past weekend, Justin and his childhood friend from Michigan named Raghu melted with conversation onto a patterned carpet while drinking fancy tea and orange juice. This was after Justin jumped into a window seal (not sill, SEAL) in Amsterdam and placed an order for a hot beverage. My own friend, Tim, joined us around a table. We shared fond memories of our friend Chris, Tim's mentor and husband to Rachel.

As an unquarrelsome foursome, we kept good company with two Australians. One called herself Faith, and the other had really beautiful hair. He lunged with Tim for a while before we all said goodbye for the evening.

Justin and I went to Oslo a few days ago to see Lisa. The journey there was a bit rough, and Oslo is shockingly expensive. The time we had with Lisa, though, was unmatched. I was pleased to see Lisa's bright yellow jacket and purple pants again outside of Anker Hostel early Tuesday morning. She took us to the grocery store and then to the new opera building, which had a roof upon which frequenters of the city could walk. We ate at her favorite Indian restaurant after taking a boat ride out to the Viking Museum, where we all witnessed large ships that were carved by hand hundreds of years ago.

The following day, Justin and I went to the Munch Museum to see The Scream and other paintings by the artist before having a departing lunch with Lisa. She made delicious sandwiches and coffee. We shared a bottle of wine Justin and I bought in Boeblingen. We listened to Turkish music while Lisa showed me pictures from when we met in Amsterdam.

Lisa is still among the kindest spirits I have ever met, and I will miss her dearly until I am able to come to Europe again.

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