Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wurst Ride

What a weekend! Justin and I biked the whole duration of the Wurst Ride...60 miles to from Austin to New Braunfels. The feat was not in the milage--the nearly 30 mph wind was killer!

Needless to say, I'm beat. Today is a lazy Sunday.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Seasons change

The official first day of fall was Sept. 23, but it feels like summer just recently escaped. Now we are almost through with two seasons in Austin! My, how the year flies.

Here is where we stay to keep warm:

yOUR peace.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Life in the ATX

No posts for a while, eh?

To fill in the gap, it was, indeed, a gap for the Sparkleses. I moved to Austin in March, and Justin came here just last week. The few months apart were not easy, but Mexico vacations, Hangoutfest beach trips, and burner weekends brought us together intermittently.

Now Justin and I live in a beautiful apartment in downtown Austin, where we live, work, and play.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fortune Cookie: Change come soon. Love it.

Mountain View didn't work out, but...

I got a call today about a job in Austin---Sales Rep for Enlink Geoenergy. Considering my fixation on environmentalism and longing for warmer weather, I'M PSYCHED. The only bummer is that Justin is still going through physical therapy and just recently took a new job himself. I don't even want to think about having a day without him, so it helps knowing that IBM has a huge hub in the southern city and that PTs abound.

Sparkle's recovery is moving quickly, thank goodness. In the meantime, I'm painting and biking to stay busy.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Justin is having surgery on his knee today. His ACL was pretty much demolished while playing ultimate frisbee in April. I am sitting here in the waiting room with his mom, and I'm anxious to see him. It'll be over a month before he can walk again, but soon enough we'll both be up and running...possibly in California.

I did have an interview at Google's Mountain View office last week. I am very much eager for the job, which would be a customer support role. My fingers are crossed.