Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I've got a job with Hudson Valley Magazine! My cubicle has a window, so I'm really into bird watching at the moment. I never thought I'd end up in advertising sales, but after filling out a trillion career search input forms, I am overly happy to have a box surrounded by other boxes.

Justin's birfday is Friday, and it will be a grand time for the nearly 28-year-old Mr. Sparkles.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


In March, Allen Rosenshine advised me to add to my portfolio by recreating existing ads in my own style. Below is the result:










Walkway Over the Hudson



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

peace tip #31

Make friends.

A man with white hair told me this. Perhaps there is something to be said about white hair and wisdom as I heard it in stories I read as a child. There are few two word statements I have ever head to be so profound.

Until my junior-senior year, college was a bust for my social well-being. I can gripe about it, or I can be thankful for the fruitful end which introduced me to wonderful people whose last names that sound like "torrents," "myth," "savory," "pot," and "love joy." Those who are miles away are severely missed.


Adult life brings dilemmas like politics. I abhor them. I hate having to agree with another's so-called "philosophies" in order to gain approval. Yet, I am also learning that professionalism is riddled with such acts. So it is, so it may not always be.

On Monday begins a new adventure for me!


Justin his almost sure he tore his ACL, and now we have pictures of his knee. Our hopes gear towards a steady recovery so the joint may heal and my love joy can enjoy the blossoming life that surrounds us without being hobble-y!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

omelette & dinosaurs

This is bit of a non sequitur comment, but I think it would be really hilarious to sell petroleum as recycled dinosaur parts.

Friday, April 2, 2010

peace tip #30

Have good humor.

Being a Seafood Expert isn't easy. It certainly isn't rocket science, though, according to one guest I served last night who cursed when I interrupted his salad with a hot meal. Apparently, the gravitational pull of table 41 kept me from giving superb attention to our Mister Anger and his wife.

I start at Hudson Valley Magazine next week, and I'm psyched. Publications have been my life for a while, and it's good to be back. Hello, Interactive Advertising Sales position. Welcome cubicle!

It's almost Easter, and Justin's mom has sent us a nice package in the mail full of wholesome goodness (Reese's included!). Martina also sent Ritter Sport our way. Candy is sweet. Family and friends are sweeter.