Friday, July 31, 2009

where you are is where I will be

I look around the room, and it is empty; bare walls, bare floor, bare space. Big white box, nothing in it.

I close my eyes, and the area becomes filled with furniture and odds and ends. A painting coated with red and blue and green sits in the corner.

I see a tuft of blonde hair and tan feet sticking up on the couch. A long body is concealed from my view. I discover its restful state as I walk across a hardwood floor towards the kitchen. I want to wake my golden god with kisses on the forehead, but I dare not disturb the dreamer. Light falls in from the window. The beauty of the moment can not (and did not) go undocumented:

Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's Thursday night, and Tuscaloosa is coming back to life. Everyone is putting things in boxes and shifting it all around.

I gave my bed away to Ginnay this morning, telling her that I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.

The producers have me on track for a ten minute segment on Discovering Alabama. I've always wanted to be a filmmaker. Veni, vidi, vici. On to better things...

I walked through the eerie pre-rain grayness to go to a conference about sustainability. Two women from a consulting firm came to talk about increasing energy efficiency and appropriating resources and recycling on a college campus. One of the speakers--Joanne--gave me her card and I had to refuse because her business partner had already given me one. I worried for a moment that I seemed rude for telling her "no thanks, I already have one," but I think she understood my prodigaphobia (fear of waste).

I said goodbye to many people tonight. Stephen and Kat send greetings and hugs and luck and such.

Pictures of us scaling a rock climbing wall came to my mind. It made beautiful tones. With our bodies, we sang.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

last call

It is the end of the summer. I will be a college graduate soon.

I learned the hard lessons at the end--MAKE FRIENDS, KISS ASS, and DON'T BELIEVE IN THE REAL WORLD of which they speak. I found love, LOVE, LOVE.

I am twenty-one years of age, and the world is my oyster. Justin McCoy is my clam, and I am contained.

Sleep to Dream.

Sometimes I draw with light. I haven't been remembering my dreams lately and this has me kinda sad, I am used to very vivid dreams full of colors and sounds. I can blame it on the weather, someone always does; I can also attribute my loss of dreams to food, and this is where I am going to stay. Some believe that spicy food will give you vivid dreams here I agree if not just for the possibility that the previous fact I might have just made up. Some people also believe that everything is just a state of mind so in that case spicy food does give one vivid dreams and tonight I dream. I am going to close my eyes and wait for the first thought that pops into my head....This is a game try it at home. For some reason when I close my eyes I can see a black teva shoe from that shoe I can feel warm air and can feel love close by. This is hard to describe but must be what a fuzzy peach feels like on a warm summer day, with the smells of saltwater, and the feeling of sand on your feet. Its that first glass of water after a run or the feeling that you get when you wake up comfortable in bed realizing that its early and you still have time to sleep in. I can see a vision jumps to holding Emily up in the water as if she was floating. I can feel myslef spinning her around in circles, and can remember looking up at her while she smiles a big happy shining smile and spins me in circles. I feel someone curled up on my arm as I drive.. here I stop playing my memory association game that I try to enact every night while laying in bed with my eyes closed, for its 1am and sleep brings Monday and my dreams one step closer.
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Our colors are inverse like yin and yang!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One step closer.

Is it really the end of July? Did summer really happen or has it all been a dream. 3 months ago I was sitting in my office looking out the window with my thoughts on warm air, green grass and clouds. The tree that was once fire red full of leaves had since lost all of its steam and sat bare for the winter, once again began to blume. Its branches were covered in bright white flowers almost blinding with the glare of the mid afternoon spring sun. I avoiding some sort of administrative task turn to Adam and say this year I will not miss Mountain Jam, and Bonnaroo is a must. Not at all surprised of my outburst Adam quickly logs onto the Bonnaroo site and takes a quick look at the line up. Silently I sit there watching him scroll through the list of bands, nodding everytime he sees one that he likes. Before he has the chance to respond I already know the answer I dart up and write ROO 2009 on the white board in our office. The leaves on the tree are now green that summer air has begun to flow through the valley, my bike ride to work has started earlier in the morning trying to avoid any summer heat. Its Wednesday, my last day of work before the adventure begins, for tomorrow is Bonnaroo and tonight is a road trip through the eastern mountains towards the land of twang. Excited never having been to a big festival before I come to work with a head full of thoughts, questions and excitement. Hardly able to contain my enthusiasm I barely get any real work done, I sit down to write some code but don't get very far with my mind wondering off to the fields 17 hours south. I attend a status meeting not catching a word of what has happened in the current project of the moment, music in my head and clouds in my eyes. I am subconsciously connected to all future plans without any realization that they exist. Like a kid on Christmas eve work crawls by, however unlike Christmas I decide to start the ride home a little early bringing me one step closer to Tennessee. Making record time to long island in rush hour traffic I scare cabs out of my way on the Triborough Bridge, for they do not have as important arrival time at a destination as I do.
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beds in living rooms

It is strange to me why more people do not put beds in their living rooms. Why hide where one can sleep and dream wonderful dreams and do wonderful things?

Monday, July 27, 2009

food & poke salad tie-dying

"Pokeweed berries yield a red ink or dye, which was once used by Native Americans to decorate their horses. The United States Declaration of Independence was written in fermented pokeberry juice (hence the common name 'inkberry'). Many letters written home during the American Civil War were written in pokeberry ink; the writing in these surviving letters appears brown. The red juice has also been used to symbolize blood, as in the anti-slavery protest of Benjamin Lay. A rich brown dye can be made by soaking fabrics in fermenting berries in a hollowed-out pumpkin."

source: Wikipedia

Unfortunately, the tie-dye experiment did not work; Dad says the poke berries need an oil base to stick to the fabric. Needless to say, I'm not giving up on attempts at making awesome poke-tie-dyed collared shirts.

The room in Germany is beautiful. I cannot wait to wake up in another country's sunshine wrapped in arms that will keep me from jumping out of bed too early...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Travel in Style.

Looking around I found our travel for a trip to California, next summer. Lets climb some mountains in the Sierra Nevada’s and camp on the beach. Looks Like the following site rents VW bus’s trip planning done.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

life goes on

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl who lived on opposite ends of a country. Music brought them to a grassy field, where they discovered each other after the boy told the girl, "I like your bumper sticker."

Before his words, she hula-hooped when the caravan of vehicles was at a halt. Perhaps then was when the boy first read the word "EARTH" written on the back of her small, gray sedan. The letters A-R-T stood out in red.

For the days that followed, they danced and smiled and stared into eyes until they fainted with the dawn. They painted circles--some signaling peace--on bare skin.

Now they chalk the same sign on walls. In their lives, they mediate. They turn anger into understanding. They even out kinks. They pacify. They do not stand between two forces, but instead they walk between two forces. They recognize good and they recognize evil. They look for boundaries between both.