Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sleep to Dream.

Sometimes I draw with light. I haven't been remembering my dreams lately and this has me kinda sad, I am used to very vivid dreams full of colors and sounds. I can blame it on the weather, someone always does; I can also attribute my loss of dreams to food, and this is where I am going to stay. Some believe that spicy food will give you vivid dreams here I agree if not just for the possibility that the previous fact I might have just made up. Some people also believe that everything is just a state of mind so in that case spicy food does give one vivid dreams and tonight I dream. I am going to close my eyes and wait for the first thought that pops into my head....This is a game try it at home. For some reason when I close my eyes I can see a black teva shoe from that shoe I can feel warm air and can feel love close by. This is hard to describe but must be what a fuzzy peach feels like on a warm summer day, with the smells of saltwater, and the feeling of sand on your feet. Its that first glass of water after a run or the feeling that you get when you wake up comfortable in bed realizing that its early and you still have time to sleep in. I can see a vision jumps to holding Emily up in the water as if she was floating. I can feel myslef spinning her around in circles, and can remember looking up at her while she smiles a big happy shining smile and spins me in circles. I feel someone curled up on my arm as I drive.. here I stop playing my memory association game that I try to enact every night while laying in bed with my eyes closed, for its 1am and sleep brings Monday and my dreams one step closer.
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