Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's Thursday night, and Tuscaloosa is coming back to life. Everyone is putting things in boxes and shifting it all around.

I gave my bed away to Ginnay this morning, telling her that I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.

The producers have me on track for a ten minute segment on Discovering Alabama. I've always wanted to be a filmmaker. Veni, vidi, vici. On to better things...

I walked through the eerie pre-rain grayness to go to a conference about sustainability. Two women from a consulting firm came to talk about increasing energy efficiency and appropriating resources and recycling on a college campus. One of the speakers--Joanne--gave me her card and I had to refuse because her business partner had already given me one. I worried for a moment that I seemed rude for telling her "no thanks, I already have one," but I think she understood my prodigaphobia (fear of waste).

I said goodbye to many people tonight. Stephen and Kat send greetings and hugs and luck and such.

Pictures of us scaling a rock climbing wall came to my mind. It made beautiful tones. With our bodies, we sang.

1 comment:

  1. I am also lonley while surrounded by people, people at work people in the store, people on the street, people in the hotel but still lonley. I just miss you and that is all it takes for one to be lonley. I want to experience the world and share every thought, dream, and cup of coffee with you. Soon to move from this lonely state to a bubble in my mind that includes sidewalk chalk...I found some today.

