Thursday, August 13, 2009

peace tip #2

Not all people possess the sixth sense of telekinesis, and the denial of this fact can lead to conflict. Know your intensions, then explain them in five different languages. Next, ask whoever it is you are communicating with to explain what you just said back to you in its native language. To finalize the understanding, request that the person sketch an image of whatever idea you are trying to get across and/or pantomime it. Interpret your transmission of knowledge and decide the accuracy of the transfer. Explain more if necessary.

Recently, I have learned a few good lessons about teamwork. Sometimes, situations exist where five people see an "A" and one person sees a "B." There are a few people who see neither one of those letters, but they agree with everyone who sees an "A," so that person is usually perceived as a sore thumb. The reason for this is usually because the five people who see "A" fail to explain what "A" is, and the person seeing "B" keeps on visualizing the lovely curves in the letter and has no idea only three straight lines are needed to complete the vision. The "A" people want to knock the "B" person over the head and conspire to do so, whilst all the "B" thinker ever needed was a picture of an "A."

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