Saturday, August 1, 2009

bier and meetings

Drinking in the very early afternoon is acceptable when meetings are involved. Excerpt from 2pm today.

Train to Stuttgart waiting in line not easy to figure out ticket check, wish I would have paid closer attention to how I moved onto the next screen. Slow people put my trip back 20 minutes..waiting for the next train off to a foreign land and I hope to maps no language skills no plans but I just need to escape. Bier is a great way to get through the Saturday meetings on a beautiful 80 degree day in early August hidden away in the land of Germany. Suddenly I hear and accordion playing in the background at the train station before my afternoon adventure, this really makes it feel like Europe. Just hope I head in the right direction, looking up I notice ticket booths on the platform...guess I am new at this and have to learn sometime. wow the accordion is perfect in a foreign land I go.

Maybe I will just follow people today and see where it takes me, for 4 euros 1 way I cannot loose on my day journey. Dancing to the music would be in order if Emily was here. We would and soon will experience all of this together. Bring dresses, big sunglasses, bring yourself what you love and leave what you hate behind for today is a new day and tomorrow is a new journey. We will experience this together and cherish it always. We will sleep on trains, run through forests, drink wine in parks, create art wherever we venture, cause curiosity, and make love when desired. Its the beginning of life or the life I never quite understood until now. There will be picnics in parks and adventures of all sorts and everything is right.
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1 comment:

  1. I need your same escape! Tonight was no bueno. Details and googly eyes coming soon...
