Thursday, October 15, 2009

art night in Poughkeepsie

Justin is building a rock climbing wall.

I retract that. We are building a rock climbing wall, and Justin is going to wire it to create music as the climber ascends.

Tonight, we sculpted holds. We painted in the evening. Somewhere in Stuttgart, Germany, a statue has googly eyes glued on it. Life is terrific and happy.

The weather kind of sucks (i.e., cold, sleety rain and cloudy gray monotone), but we're warm and productive. I am 34.5 percent finished making a wild thing costume. Justin will be the acclaimed Max, complete with Converse that are the same color the sky was today. He'll wear a crown while we hang where the wild things are on Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool y'all are building a wall in your apartment. Please let me know how it goes! I appreciate you keeping this blog up, it's nice knowing what you're up to!

