Thursday, November 5, 2009

"People who get up early in the morning cause war, death and famine."

A man, whom I deem wise like Ben Franklin wise, sat in front of me and posed a question: "So why do you want to join New College?"

"I just don't think I'll be able to keep my sanity in the advertising industry," was my word-for-word response.

Five months and a granting of a scholarship later, the lack of cents talked and I dropped out. It wasn't necessarily the promise of a decent income, but it was the quickest, least expensive path to a piece of paper known as a degree. Now I'm filling out job applications and missing the flighty, happy NC gang and reminiscing about NeverNeverLand and its merriment. My thoughts are fond, but I can't long for too much; I'm punch drunk on love.

Life is good; there's a hammock in the kitchen and Cake's lyrics resonate.

My opinion about advertising stands, and I'm a thousand times more nauseated at the site of billboards and fashion rags because I know more than I care to know. The application process has me ailing a bit; I've got an outlook on life ("I just like making people happy") that is often exploited, and I just want to help people, man, I just wanna make the world a better place...

But I don't wanna be too self-righteous, ya dig? Point noted: affirmed beliefs just ram a person into a brick wall. Yet, the world keeps spinning despite the collision, and everyone's stuck picking sides.

Justin knows. He's been on jury duty all week. When he comes home, I get the lowdown on sleazy lawyers and their transparent tactics. Someone's upset over a knee surgery, and he thinks money is going to be what heals him. "Nosirrreee!" would be our verdict.

Please step on my toes should I become an over-opinionated jerkwad. Please push me should I ever become complacent.

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